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Cardiovascular Computed Tomography in the Heart Team

Expand your knowledge in the innovative cardiovascular computed tomography course and shape the future of cardiac medicine with us!

Welcome to our workshop “Cardiovascular Computed Tomography in the Heart Team”, a valuable part of our educational program in the field of CT!

We are pleased to welcome colleagues from the fields of cardiology, radiology and cardiac surgery who are interested in deepening their skills in the fascinating world of cardiovascular imaging.

We have designed a workshop in which speakers will impart basic knowledge as well as innovative applications, share experiences and provide practical guidance. Together we will dive into exciting learning content and expand your expertise in this field.

Download program flyer
Advanced Training
All Information at a glance
Day 1: 11 CME points, Day 2: 13 CME points
Partner Institution
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
Target Group
Cardiologists, radiologists, internal medicine
"Weißer Saal" DHZC Berlin and online
All Appointments

Anticipate fascinating advances in cardiac computed tomography in the following areas:

  • CT imaging techniques in cardiac diagnostics, Coronary artery disease: calcium scoring of the coronary arteries, CT angiography of the coronary arteries
  • Standardized reporting, CAD-RADs Score 2.0
  • Cardio-CT: myocardial perfusion, CT FFR, CT strain, cardiac function, valvular diseases, cardiac tumors, endocarditis, diseases of the pericardium
  • Acute aortic syndrome, adults with congenital heart defects on CT, coronary anomalies and non-atherosclerotic diseases of the coronary arteries,
  • CT imaging for endovascular therapy of arterial vascular diseases, TAVI, mitral and tricuspid interventions
  • Future CT applications: Image-based modeling, diagnosis and therapy planning
  • Radiological basics
  • Live demonstrations on the CT machine and practical exercises

Register now! We look forward to welcoming you on the course!

Continuing education

The 2-day program starts on Fridays and ends on Saturdays. Find out more about the specific content of the program here.

The training program takes place in the White Hall of the Virchow-Klinikum campus.

Day 1 (Friday)
Day 2 (Saturday)
Choose your course format
Program TitleDateDurationFormatPriceLanguage
Cardiovascular Computed Tomography in the Heart TeamInklusive praktischen ÜbungenDate13. Juni 2025Duration1 dayFormatOnlinePrice330,00 €LanguageGerman
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Cardiovascular Computed Tomography in the Heart TeamDate13. Juni 2025Duration1 dayFormatOn sitePrice380,00 €LanguageGerman
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Cardiovascular Computed Tomography in the Heart TeamDate13. Juni 2025 - 14. Juni 2025Duration2 daysFormatOn sitePrice750,00 €LanguageGerman
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Scientific management
We welcome you to our training program
Prof. Dr. Volkmar Falk
Direktor der Klinik
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
PD Dr. med. Natalia Solowjowa
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kelle
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
Interdisciplinary and practical experience
PD Dr. med. Dr. rer. medic. Georg Böning
Charité Berlin
PD Dr. Dr. Roland Wensel
DRK-Kliniken Berlin Westend
Dr. Semih Buz
Leiter der Endovaskulären Aortenchirurgie
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
Dr. med. Boris Gorodetski
Charité Berlin
Prof Dr. med. Grigorios Korosoglou
GRN-Klinik Weinheim
PD Dr. Axel Unbehaun
DHZC – Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
PD Dr. med. Andreas Rolf
Kerckhoff-Klinik, Bad Nauheim
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Leonid Goubergrits
Charité Berlin
Dr. med. Chong Bin Lee
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
Dr. med. Emmanuel Heil
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
Your contact person
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us
Frau Simone Arts
Kardiale Bildgebung
+49 30 4593 3320