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CardioCaseMix Cardiomyopathies – 10 CMR cases

Continuig education – recognition for national and international CMR logbooks

Learn cardiac MRI anywhere and anytime and collect cardiomyopathy cases for your logbook  

In our “CardioCaseMix Cardiomyopathies”, we guide you through the interpretation of 10 cardiac MRI scans of patients with suspected or diagnosed cardiomyopathy. On our digital learning platform Moodle we will show you image and video material that we have compiled and didactically prepared for you together with the German Heart Centre of the Charité (Campus Virchow Clinic) and the Department of Cardiology of the Helios University Hospital Wuppertal!  

After completing the cases, you can earn CME points (continuing medical education points) through a learning success check. The cases can also be applied for national and international CMR logbooks (DGK, SCMR, EACVI).  

Download Program-Flyer
What you can expect
5 CME points
Cases count for CMR logbook (DGK, SCMR, EACVI)
Partner Institution
German Heart Centre of the Charité (Campus Virchow Clinic), Department of Cardiology of the Helios University Hospital Wuppertal
Target Group
Doctors in cardiology, radiology and internal medicine
All Appointments

The CMR case collection “Cardiomyopathies” currently comprises 10 clinical cases that cover a broad spectrum of cardiomyopathies, ranging from frequent to rare disease entitites, that are seldomly seen in clinical routine. We therefore help you to meet the requirements of national and international CMR logbooks for certification, while gaining knowledge in this important field of CMR diagnostics. In terms of content, the case collection is primarily aimed at colleagues who are at the beginning of their training in the field of CMR and are aiming for Level II/Level III certification. 

As in the clinic, the CMR examinations are embedded in a clinical case so that, in addition to the findings, essential aspects such as the correct indication and clinical consequences of the CMR examination can be understood. In each case, you will be guided step-by-step through the diagnosis of a CMR using cine sequences and exemplary image sections. Each case concludes with learning objectives for CMR diagnostics of the respective clinical picture and a multiple choice question, which serves to enhance the learning success and is not included in the final evaluation. 

After reviewing all 10 cases, you will be eligible for the final learning success check, which comprises 10 multiple choice questions. If you answer 7 out of 10 questions correctly, you will receive a certificate with which you can claim the 10 cases for your CMR logbook (DGK, SCMR, EACVI) and receive CME points. 

Registration for the case database
Program TitleDurationFormatPriceLanguage
CardioCaseMix Cardiomyopathies – 10 CMR casesDuration3-4 hours to completeFormatOnline Learning PlatformPrice50,00 €LanguageEnglish
Book now
What makes us special
Learn about CMR in cardiomyopathies with cases from high-level CMR centers

With our digital case database, we offer you an ideal supplement to our existing training courses and face-to-face training at certified training centers.

Flexible learning
Work on the case database anytime and anywhere
Certified participation
Collect CME points and cardiomyopathy cases for CMR logbooks
Cardiomyopathy CaseMix
Learn about CMR in cardiomyopathies with a broad spectrum
Peer Review
Benefit from our collaboration with german-wide experts
10 cardiomyopathy cases for your CMR logbook in just a few steps

You book access to the case database on this website and will automatically be enrolled to the course on our learning platform. 

Processing of the 10 cases

Work on the cases with your personal user access when and how it suits you. Your access is valid for six month. 

Learning success control

After reviewing all cases, you will be eligible for the final learning success check, which consists of 10 multiple choice questions, of which at least 7 must be answered correctly. 

Receiving the Certificate

After completing the case database, the learning success assessment and the evaluation, you will receive a certificate of participation with which you can claim 10 cardiomyopathy cases for your CMR logbooks (DGK, EACVI, SCMR). CME points have been applied for at the Berlin Medical Association. 

Scientific Management
Welcome to the DHZB case database
Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kelle
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
Dr. med. Stefanie Werhahn
Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité
PD Dr. med. Nadine Abanador-Kamper 
Universität Witten/Herdecke
Herzzentrum Helios Universitätsklinikum Wuppertal
Cooperation Partner
German-wide cooperation for the DHZB database

The CardioCaseMix Cardiomyopathies includes clinical cases from the German Heart Center of the Charité (Campus Virchow Klinikum) and the Department of Cardiology of the Helios University Hospital Wuppertal.  

The clinical cases presented have been prepared by cardiological colleagues throughout Germany and checked for accuracy by our review board. The Department of Cardiac Imaging at the German Heart Centre of the Charité (Campus Virchow Klinikum site) was the source of the idea and the first cooperation partner and played a key role in setting up the case database. However, we are now working together with various locations throughout Germany. For this we offer many thanks at this point! 

Are you also interested in participating in the development of the database of the DZHB Academy ? For example, with an instructive clinical case that you would like to share with other colleagues? 

Apart from cardiac MRI and cardiac CT, other imaging modalities such as echocardiography will also be included in the future. 

We look forward to your interest and to hearing from you! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us

Do you have questions about the case database? Please contact our program management team at the DHZB Academy.